Saturday, June 30, 2012

The View from my Window--on Silk!

I knew it would happen. When I moved into this house, I could watch the moon rise over the harbor and the ducks swim in the neighbor's pond. But alders grow fast, and now all I can see is trees. Knowing it would happen, I sketched the scene, and years later painted it on silk--silk curtains. The bear who crossed my lot while the house was being built, the deer who sleep under my apple trees, the racoon who steals my garbage cans, and many of the other wild animals who have visited this island home found their way into the painting.

The curtain, in three panels, was on display all of June at Common Thread, a shop collectively run by about a dozen fiber artists. Cards from this painting are available at my booth at the Vashon Saturday Market, and prints are available on my esty shop.

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